Write For Us !

You obviously love your Mac. We all do. You, Me, Readers, everyone. So if you wish to write an article yourself for Control Your Mac, don't hesitate. Write a complete and valid article with images and a catchy heading and mail it me at shiv.cym@gmail.com.
Feel free to add links to your own website / blog. You will be credited for your article.

A Few Guidelines

Here are a few rules, guideline and tips for submission of articles:

  • All articles should be related to Mac, iPhone or iPad and your original work.
  • Articles should be grammatically correct and largely free of errors. Slangs should be avoided
  • Capitalizations are important. Application names, Proper Nouns, etc should be Capitalized. For Example: It should be "Control Your Mac" not "control your mac"
  • When you need to stress on something, provide emphasis, etc use bold as appropriate.
  • Articles have no word limit.
  • Your articles may be slightly modified to correct mistakes, etc.
  • You may not publish the article elsewhere unless as an extract or while providing the link to this article.
  • Provide links as and when you see fit.

Acceptance and Publishing

For the large part, if your article is relevant and original, it will almost surely be accepted and published on www.controlyourmac.com. Your name will be written alongside the article along with a short description of yourself which you should attach to the article. A link to your website, blog, Facebook or Twitter page, if provided, will also be incorporated along with the article.

How to Submit Your Article

To submit your article, mail it to me at shiv.cym@gmail.com along with a brief description of yourself, and if possible, a small picture.
Make sure it follows the guidelines above and it'll surely be accepted !

Other Ways of Sending Your Input

If you've picked up anything that you feel we might have missed, send us your input.

Alternatively, if you feel you have a helpful article, tip, trick, review, tutorial or anything else you feel might be valid, feel free to send us your idea