5 Awesome Tips to Speed up Safari

Is your Safari very slow ? Or maybe you think that your internet is very slow and you want to "speed up" loading time ? Well, here's 7 tips to help you do that without having to spend a couple of extra bucks on your internet speed -

1. Empty Cache - Go to "Safari" in the menubar and click on "Empty Cache..."

2. Delete the preferences file - Delete the '~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari.plist' file. ( ~ is the user's home folder ) This will speed up Safari a bit, but you will also lose preferences such as homepage, bookmarks, etc
3. Delete favicons cache - Favicons are the little icons next to the URL which are specific to every website. Safari saves this icon every time you visit a new site. Delete this by going to '~/Library/Safari/Icons'  and deleting everything.
4. Reduce the 'Render before Display' Time - To do this, Quit Safari. Then Open Terminal and Type the following - defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0.20
5. Reset Safari - This helps quite a bit. Go to 'Safari' in the menubar and click 'Reset Safari...' A window like the one below will appear. Choose what to reset and click 'Okay'