Mac Brainiac: Tips for Noobs Article #1 - The Ultimate "Command"

Believe it or not people, the ultimate command is actually just a button on your keyboard. Of course, It can't really function without other keys. But still it's probably the most powerful key on the keyboard.
If you're a windows user, then you probably think this key is the "control" key. The actual key, as you may have guessed by the title, is the command key. The command key on a mac acts as the control key would on PC.  A special thanks to Dan Rodney for this list. I would've died typing it all out.

A List of Commands

Dock Shortcuts

Open Sidebar item in a new windowCmd-Click it
Switch Finder views (Icon, List, Column, Cover Flow)Cmd-1, Cmd-2, Cmd-3, Cmd-4
In List view, expand a folderRight Arrow
In List view, collapse a folderLeft Arrow
Rename the selected file/folderPress Return (or Enter)
Go into selected folder or open the selected fileCmd-Down Arrow
Go to parent folderCmd-Up Arrow
Go BackCmd-[  (that’s left square bracket)
Go ForwardCmd-]  (that’s right square bracket)
Select the next icon in Icon and List viewsTab (Shift-Tab reverses direction)
Alternate columns in Column ViewTab (Shift-Tab reverses direction)
Instantly show long file name (for names condensed with a “...”)Hold Option while mousing over long filenames
Resize current column to fit the longest file nameDouble-Click column resize widget
Resize all columns to fit their longest file namesOption Double-Click resize widget
Copy and Paste filesCmd-C, then Cmd-V
Move a file instead of copying. (Copies the file to the destination and removes it from the original disk.)Cmd-Drag file to disk
Move selected files to the TrashCmd-Delete
Empty the Trash (with warning)Cmd-Shift-Delete
Empty the Trash (without warning)Cmd-Opt-Shift-Delete
Cancel a drag-n-drop action while in the midst of draggingEsc
Show Inspector (a single, live refreshing Info window)Cmd-Opt-I
Undo the last action (such as rename file, copy file, etc.)Cmd-Z
Hide/Show Sidebar (on the left)Cmd-Opt-T
Move or Remove item in toolbar (at the top of the window).
This works in most programs.
Open Quick Look (Mac OS 10.5)With file selected, tap Spacebar (or Cmd-Y)
Zoom In/Out on a Quick Look PreviewCmd-Plus(+) or Cmd-Minus(-)
Find by File Name (Mac OS 10.5)Cmd-Shift-F

Dock Shortcuts
Hide all other applications (except the one you're clicking on)Command-Option click an App’s icon in Dock
Reveal a Dock item’s location in the FinderCommand Click on the icon in the Dock
Move and a Dock item to somewhere else on the hard driveCommand Drag the icon from the Dock to new destination
Force a file to open in a specific programWhile dragging the file onto an app’s icon in the Dock, hold Command-Option
When in an app’s Dock menu, change the Quit to Force QuitHold Option while in Dock menu
Force the Dock to only resize to non-interpolated icon sizesHold Option while dragging Dock separator
Move Dock to left, bottom, right side of screenHold Shift and drag Dock divider
Temporarily turn magnification on (or off) It’s a toggle.Hold Control-Shift (Mac OS 10.5 and later)
Working with Windows
Switch windows (works in most programs)Next window: Cmd-tilde(~)
Previous Window: Cmd-Shift-tilde(~)
See where the File/Folder is located (a menu will pop-up displaying the folder hierarchy). This works in “most” programs as well as the Finder.Cmd-Click on name of the window in its titlebar
Move a window in the background without switching to it.
(Example: You’re in a dialog and can’t move a window in the background, so Cmd-Drag its titlebar.)
Cmd-Drag on a window’s titlebar
Taking Screenshots
Take picture of the entire screenCmd-Shift-3
Take picture of a selected areaCmd-Shift-4 and Drag over desired area
New in Mac OS 10.5: While dragging:
- Hold Spacebar to move selected area.
- Hold Shift to change size in one direction only (horizontal or vertical)
- Hold Option for center-based resizing.
Take picture of a specific window/objectCmd-Shift-4, then press Spacebar, then Click on the window/object
Copy the screenshot to the clipboard instead of making a fileHold Control with the above keystrokes
Screenshots are saved to the Desktop as PNG file in OS 10.4 and later (or a PDF file in OS 10.3 and prior).
Startup Commands
Eject CD on bootHold Mouse button down immediately after powering on
OS X Safe bootHold Shift during startup
Start up in FireWire Target Disk modeHold T during startup
Startup from a CDHold C during startup
Bypass primary startup volume and seek a different startup volume (CD, etc.)Hold Cmd-Opt-Shift-Delete during startup
Choose Startup disk before bootingHold Option during startup
Start up in Verbose modeHold Cmd-V during startup
Start up in Single-User mode (command line)Hold Cmd-S during startup
Force OS X startupHold X during startup
Shutdown/Sleep Commands
Shutdown immediately (no confirmation)Cmd-Opt-Ctrl-Eject
Sleep immediately (no confirmation)Cmd-Opt-Eject
Restart, Sleep, Shutdown dialog (like hitting the Power button on old Mac keyboards)Ctrl-Eject
Put display to sleepCtrl-Shift-Eject
Open/Close Widget DockCmd-Plus(+)
Cycle to next/previous “page” of widgets in widget dockCmd-Right/Left Arrow
Close a widget without having to open the widget dockHold Option and hover over widget (close box will appear)
Reload/Refresh a widgetCmd-R

Spaces Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6
Activate Spaces (birds-eye view of all spaces)F8
Consolidate all windows into a Single WorkspaceAfter pressing F8, press C to consolidate (press C again to restore)
Move to a neighboring spaceCtrl-arrow key (left, right, up or down)
Move to a specific spaceCtrl-number of the space (1, 2, 3, etc.)
Move all windows of an app to another spaceCmd-Drag in Space’s birds-eye view (Control and Shift also work)

Open Spotlight MenuCmd-Space
Open Spotlight WindowCmd-Option-Space
In Spotlight menu: Launch Top HitReturn (In Mac OS 10.4 it’s Cmd-Return)
Reveal the selected item in the Finder
In Spotlight Menu: Cmd-click item or press Cmd-Return
In Spotlight Window: Press Cmd-R
Skip to first result in each categoryCmd up/down arrow
Clear Spotlight’s search fieldEsc clears to do another search.
Esc a second time closes the spotlight menu.
Working with Text (some only work in Cocoa apps like Safari, Mail, TextEdit, etc.)
Go to end of lineCmd-right arrow
Go to beginning of lineCmd-left arrow
Go to end of all the textCmd-down arrow
Go to beginning of all the textCmd-up arrow
Go to end of current or next wordOption-right arrow
Go to beginning of current or previous wordOption-left arrow
NOTE: Add Shift to any of the above keystrokes to make a selection to that point.
On Laptops: Delete Text to the right of the cursor (like the Del key on a full keyboard)Function(fn)-Delete
Non-touching (Discontinuous) text selectionsCommand-drag
Select non-linear areasOption-drag
Delete entire word to the leftOpt-Delete
Look up word in dictionaryPosition mouse over a word and hold Cmd-Ctrl-D
Auto completion word
Start typing the word. Press Esc (or F5) to open suggested word list
Emacs Key Bindings (only work in Cocoa apps like Safari, Mail, TextEdit, iChat, etc.)
ActionKeystrokeRemember As
go to start of line (puts cursor at beginning of current line)Ctrl-AA = Start of alphabet
go to end of line (puts cursor at end of current line)Ctrl-EE = End
go up one lineCtrl-PP = Previous
go down one lineCtrl-NN = Next
go back one character (moves cursor left 1 place)Ctrl-BB = Back
go forward one character (moves cursor right 1 place)Ctrl-FF = Forward
delete the character to the right of the cursorCtrl-DD = Delete
delete the character to the left of the cursorCtrl-H
delete to end of the line (or delete the selection)Ctrl-KK = Kill rest of line
scroll downCtrl-V
center the current line in the windowCtrl-L
insert line break after the cursor without moving the cursorCtrl-O
transpose letters (swaps letter on the left and right of cursor)Ctrl-TT = Transpose
Force Quit (opens list so you can choose application)Cmd-Opt-Esc
Force Quit Frontmost Application (without confirmation)Hold Cmd-Opt-Shift-Escape for about 4 seconds
On Laptops: Scroll (like a mouse’s scroll wheel)
(Works on newer laptops if enabled in System Preferences)
Slide 2 fingers on the trackpad
On Laptops: Right-click (like on a 2 button mouse)
(Works on newer laptops if enabled in System Preferences)
Place 2 fingers on the trackpad and Click
Quickly find any menu item and launch it. (Mac OS 10.5)1. Press Cmd-?  FYI: That’s Cmd-Shift-/
2. In the Help menu Search that opens, start typing a few letters of your desired menu command.
3. Arrow key down to the item you want and press Return to choose it.
Change system volume without the confirmation beepsHold Shift while changing volume
Completely smooth scrolling—one pixel at a time.
(Only works in Cocoa apps.)
Hold Option while dragging scrollbar
Open System Preferences:
NOTE: These launch directly into a preference pane.
Two examples are given.
To open “Sound” Preferences:
Hold Option and press any Sound key
(Mute, Volume Up or Down )

To open “Displays” Preferences:
Hold Option and press any Brightness key
Open Front RowCmd-Esc
Quickly Exit Front RowPress any F key, like F5. In 10.5 and later, non F keys also work.
Customize the toolbar at the top of a window.
Works for toolbars like in Safari, Apple Mail, Preview, Finder, etc. But it doesn't work in all programs, like Firefox.
- Rearrange icons:
   Hold Cmd and drag the icons around.
- Remove icons:
   Hold Cmd and drag icon off toolbar.
- View toolbar options:
   Ctrl-click on the toolbar to get a menu.
Switch TabsNext Tab: Ctrl-Tab (or Cmd-Shift-Right Arrow)
Previous Tab: Ctrl-Shift-Tab (or Cmd-Shift-Left Arrow)
Go to one of the first 9 bookmarks (not folders) in the Bookmarks ToolbarCmd-1 through Cmd-9
Move between found items (in Safari 3 and later)Cmd-F, enter your search text and Press:
Return to Move Forward
Shift-Return to Move Backward
Cancel current FindPress Escape or Cmd-Period(.)
Scroll a webpage by a screenfulScroll Down: Spacebar or Option-Down Arrow
Scroll Up: Shift-Spacebar or Option-Up Arrow
Reply to MessageCmd–R or
Option-Double Click Message
Go to the next/previous email in a thread even if you haven’t organized by threadsOption-Up/Down Arrow
Scroll the listing of emails at the top (not the actual contents of an email)Ctrl-Page Up/Down
Choose the Scroll/Move toolCmd-1
Choose the Text toolCmd-2
Choose the Select toolCmd-3
Zoom in or outCmd-Plus(+) or Cmd-Minus(-)
Scroll Large ImagesHold Spacebar and drag on the image (like you do in Photoshop)