Wi-fi Router not working ? Use your Mac instead...

My wi-fi router's not working.
Well people, ever so often when this happens, you could whine complain and not use the net. OR... OR you could read this and see that you don't need it to work. All you need is a mac and an internet connection, be it a USB Modem or a Direct Modem line.
You can convert your Mac into a Wi-fi Router!

To do this -

1. Open "System Preferences" and now go to Sharing.

2. Next click on internet sharing on the left hand side ( Not the tick mark next to it, but on the text itself )
3. Now choose your internet source ( Ethernet, USB Modem ) and how you want to share it ( Firewire, Ethernet or Airport ). For the latter, I suggest Airport. By the way, Airport is wi-fi.
4. NOW Click on the tick mark next to internet sharing and you're good to go!