This is so easy and so helpful a tip that you will never forget it. And it can all be done with household items provide you have, in your house -
1. A pencil with an eraser. ( preferably unsharpened )
2. A small strip of foil.
How to do it:
1. Take a pencil and wrap the foil around the entire pencil Making sure that the eraser is completely covered
2. Hold the stylus and make sure that when you hold it, your fingers are touching the aluminum foil wrapped part of it.
3. Now press the rubber end of your stylus against a flat surface like a table. The flatter it becomes, the better it'll work.
Other optional tweaks:
1. Cut the non-eraser end of your pencil with a sharp knife for your own convenience.
2. Wrap the stylus end with scotch tape to make it smoother and softer.