iPhone 5 and iOS 5 Release Date

This article is mostly for those who read about the September 7th deadline for the release of iOS 5 and the iPhone 5. Clearly, that was incorrect. While there is no official news about the newest iPhone from Apple, it is expected to be released on October 10th or 13th either along with or a few days after the release of iOS 5. While iOS 5 has already been released in a keynote. Apple has yet to hold an event for the release of the iPhone 5 and based on their history of past releases, its likely to be scheduled a few days after iOS 5 is made available on Apple.com as a free download. Developers ( The ones who have paid $99 to develop iPhone applications ) can already download the beta version of iOS 5. The complete list of new features to be introduced in iOS 5 can be seen here