Windows in Lion - All you need to know

The application windows in lion have changed drastically although ironically enough, its hard to notice. Today, I'm going to tell you how.

One of the things Apple bragged about before the rekease if Mac OS X Lion was the ability to resize windows from any side or corner. Apple certainly held up to that bargain and resizing windows on Lion is far easier, more convenient and it looks better too without the three little lines at the bottom right corner of the window ( in Snow Leopard and previously ) Now you simple move your mouse over to the side where you want it to resize from, click and drag.

Another new feature is that now, if you hold down option while doing this it resizes from your end AND from the end opposite to where you're dragging. So essentially, you dom't lose the symmetry of the window in your screen which we're all so eager to have.

Holding down shift keeps the proportions of the window the same which is particularly useful when viewing images / videos.