Expected Release Date of iOS 6

As I mentioned in another article recently, Apple - although often extremely unpredictable - does follow some patterns when it comes to software / hardware release dates.
Luckily for us, it usually doesn't digress much from these patterns. So it's a simple matter of observing this pattern for iOS major updates as well as the rumors floating around and figuring out when they'll be releasing the new version of iOS. For example:

  • iOS 2 was announced in March, released in July
  • iOS 3 was announced in March, released in June
  • iOS 4 was announced in April, released in June
  • iOS 5 was announced in June, released in October
From the iOS release date history shown above, we can glean a fair bit of information. Apple will probably release their next operating system, iOS 6, sometime in the new few months.
Now, assuming that Apple found June a preferable date to release iOS 5 due to some particular reason, it's possible they'll feel the same for iOS 6. But it may just be that they chose June because they needed enough time to develop iOS and OS X Lion. 
Still, since they generally take a year or so to release their next major update for iOS, chances are June will be the winner. Which means that, once again we'll have to wait for a few months - maybe september or october - to actually be able to download it.
With a little help from rumors floating around, I believe a possible expected release date will be sometime in mid-June.