Are Macs Completely Free of Viruses (Virii) and Malware?

Unless you want your Apple to look like this, you might want to start taking better care of it

Most Mac users believe their Mac is a fortress, protected from all harmful computer malware, circulating around the internet. In fact, a number of Mac users don't even have any anti-virus software installed onto their systems. Although it pains me to say it, I am one such number.

Why are Macs Safer than PCs ? 

Although certain people may beg to differ, even a Mac OS X isn't completely impenetrable when it comes to computer Malware. So then why do people believe that Macs are completely free of harmful software ?

  • Firstly, Mac OS X is built on Unix thus making it a far safer operating system than Windows.
  • Secondly, there is very small number of softwares with detrimental effects for Mac. In comparison with those for windows, the number is almost negligible.
  • Thirdly, the majority on computer users function on Windows, hence making it a better target. Also, some software that developers use to make malware are directed towards affecting windows.
So is my Mac completely safe or do I need to run some anti-virus software ?

Once again, Macs aren't completely safe. While they are far safer than PCs, the possibility of malware infecting still exists, however minimal. So although it isn't essential, anti-virus softwares such as Norton Antivirus for Mac or iAntiVirus are always useful. However, backing up your important data is always a vital task, especially for serious users. Worms and Trojans too can be prevented by using preventive software.