Dictation and Power Mac Come to the Mac (Without Siri)

Dictation on Mac

Alas, Siri didn't make it to Mac OS X Mountain Lion. Still, they had to leave something for next time, didn't they ? Dictation, however, did manage to crawl it's way up to OS X.

Dictation is fundamentally what the name suggests: It allows you to speak what you want your Mac to type. And the best part is, it works throughout your Mac through a simple keyboard combination (Possibly command-command). Press it, and it allows you to speak anywhere you can type. Particularly useful for longer emails, word documents, etc. Only time will tell how useful and efficient it really is. You can punctuate with voice commands too and according to the Apple website, (screenshot above), it gets "smarter" the more you use it, learning voice characteristics and names. An omnipresent feature in the new iPad, Dictation seemed to be quite efficient on iOS.

Power Nap

Power Nap periodically updates your iCloud account with Notes, Mail, Contacts, Reminders, Photo Stream, Calendar, Find My Mac and Documents even when your Mac is asleep.
It also updates your software and backs up you Mac with Time Machine when connected to a power source, all done in utmost silence. You may not even know what's going on. So when you switch your Mac back on, it's already updated and ready.Seems fairly useful.

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