WWDC '12: The Shortcoming and the Disappointments

Apple's WWDC '12 Presentation just got over a few minutes back and although there was a great deal announced, which was, for the most part, very impressive, Apple still left a lot to be asked for.
  • Despite what rumors suggested, the entire Mac lineup did NOT get an upgrade. The notebook lineup, however, got a significant improvement as well as a new member: The Next-Generation Macbook Pro: 15.4 Inch, Retina Display)
  • iOS 6, albeit amazing, will NOT be supported on: The Original iPad, iPhone 3G or below, iPod Touch 3rd Generation or Below; Heartbreaking for owners of said devices but potentially very lucrative for Apple.
  • Mountain Lion starts shipping in July, not before that. Not a free update either. However, it's still cheaper than Lion's update was.
  • iOS 6 will not release till fall and only added one new application.
  • No Apple TV SDK as opposed to rumors which were widely thought to be confirmed.
  • No Siri on Mountain Lion, although Dictation was there
  • Mountain Lion's Unified Safari Bar didn't make it to iOS 6.
  • No new iTunes interface on Mac. Really need that!
  • Nothing groundbreaking. Nothing Apple.
Apparently, not everyone's since the original iPad doesn't get support for iOS 6