Launchpad in Mac OS X Lion

Launchpad on Mac

Launchpad is another one of Apple's favorite new features in Lion, It's basically a new quick way to launch applications conveniently straight from your Desktop.
To view launchpad, Simply click on the Launchpad icon in the dock (the same as the one to the left) It may take upto a minute or so the first time you launch it. However the next time, It'll launch with amazing speed.
Those of you who've used an iOS Device previously, will immediately recognize the similarity between this and the gridded applications launching system ( Springboard ) on iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.
Click and hold on an application to move it around and click the cross on it to uninstall ( delete ) it. Drop it into another app to create a folder.
Apple. Coincidentally, I had designed an application with the same name and purpose too. Strange.

Launchpad Folders
Bonus tip: Click on the name of the Folder to rename ( for example, in this case, you would click on "Developer" to rename it.
Related - Similarities between iOS and Lion )