What and What Not to Expect and Hope For in iOS 6 ( Expected Release Date too )

iOS 5 brought about with it several changes and was called the greatest update for the most advanced mobile platform iOS. And I admit, it was amazing. But as a new platform - or rather, as a new category of platforms - iOS can only learn from its short comings. And as great as the platform is, there are several. Many, I believe, Apple will rectify in the next update of the operating system. Others, they may miss out on. And others still they may simply be too adamant or stubborn to incorporate into the Operating System.

Here's What to Expect in iOS 6:

Facebook Integration

Facebook logo

Apple has already made its mark on the social world by integrating popular social platforms into its operating systems. Twitter, Flickr, Vimeo, Youtube, etc on iOS 5 and OS X Mountain Lion. One of the few social networks we haven't seen on the operating includes one which is probably also one of the most popular: Facebook. However, I believe that this is not due to adamancy on Apple's part but rather more likely either due to a failure to negotiate with the company or due to logistical problems.

Better Multitasking

When Apple first introduced multitasking into the operating system in iOS 4, it was a big deal. Multitasking would allow apps to continue performing tasks in the background without visual display while users could use other apps simultaneously. Unfortunately, however it did not live up to its expectations. Many apps could not successfully run in the background and also the multitasking bar was painful to bring up. In iOS 6, it is reasonable to expect improvements in Multitasking.

More Inbuilt Apps

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With every update of iOS, we have seen new applications being introduced into the iOS platform. iOS 4 had iBooks, FaceTime, Game Center, etc. iOS 5 had messages, reminders, newsstand, etc. So it is only rational to assume that iOS 6 will incorporate even more applications into the operating system. Amongst those, I personally am hoping for calculator, stocks and weather for iPad, iLife integration, an separate dictionary app and that Apple surprises us with the rest.


The fundamental concept of upgrading an Operating System is that it should be improved. As always, Apple has lived up to these expectations, always improving and changing their applications intensely. Many of these are basic changes to existing applications, while others may incorporate new features or new options into existing applications. This, I'm pretty confident will be very evident in iOS 6, especially considering Apple's past history and their tendency to get increasingly enthusiastic with each upgrade.

A New Look

While an overall new look is highly unlikely, its expected and almost certain that Apple will bring major visual changes to existing applications. ( In particular, I'm hopeful that they bring visual changes to the current "Videos" app which is so boring in its visual appearance and interface that even the colorful artwork of Movies and TV Shows do little to liven it up. Wallpapers too are always provide a nice change in any operating system.

New Settings, Options and Tweaks and Other Minor Changes

These will certainly make an appearance in iOS 6 as they always have. Settings, Options, Tweaks and Minor Changes may not be much to look at, in fact there may be nothing to look at per say, but they do make a collosal difference in the functionality and operation of the Device.

What to Hope For in iOS 6:

One can only hope for certain changes and hope that Apple will take notice. (Yes everyone, tweet and retweet about such posts. Apple needs to know what we want. In fact, I intend to send them an email of this post.)

Siri for the Old and Handicapped (Devices)

Since Siri already speaks out your results and also works by voice commands only, I am not referring to people in the subheading above but rather to the "Old and Handicapped" Devices running on iOS (iPad first and second generation, iPhone 4, etc)

Support for the Old and Handicapped (Devices)

While one can only hope for Siri on older and "outdated" models of iOS devices, there's no downside to it. On the other hand, if Apple decides to remove support for older models of iOS Devices, it could be disastrous for many people.


iLife Integration


We've all seen the apps on iOS and they are amazing. The inbuilt apps as well as the App Store apps. They're all awesome. But whats outrageous is that despite the high prices one pays for devices like the iPad and iPhone, Apple still sees ways to reap profits from their own apps. Of course, they deserve to earn a share of all App Store sales (of which they already earn 30 per cent) but must they really charge iOS users for their own apps which should be integrated in the Operating System. They are, in fact, included in the OS X operating system so why not on iOS ? "Greed is the downfall of everything that is great."

Mac-ification (OS X-ification)

In OS X Mountain Lion, we were introduced to the grand concept of iOS-ification and Apple's efforts at bringing the two operating systems closer together by integrating everything that is great about iOS into OS X Mountain Lion. So why not use the same concept except in reverse. After all, wouldn't the integration work faster and more efficiently if the operating systems were to work towards it simultaneously. Of the top of my head, OS X-ification would introduce:
  • A better and more open file system for iOS
  • True Multitasking
  • Accounts for iPad (like Users on Mac)
  • More functional browser (Safari)
  • More customization
  • Folders within Folders (probably unlikely and possibly undesirable)
  • Improvements to the On/Off and Sleep functions.
  • introduction of iTunes to iOS
  • Text and Html editing facilities
  • Support for different formats (In everything)
Expected Release Date of iOS 6

Based on a number of factors including release dates of previous versions of iOS, the time interval between releases and new features to be added, we are relatively that the new version of iOS (which may or may not be called iOS 6) will be announced (released) sometime in the month of June probably close to the 11th or so and will be made available for download within a few months of the announcement.

A Note to Apple: If anyone from Apple is reading this, we request you to make every effort to incorporate  these features into the new version of iOS. The general population of iOS users thanks you.

A Note to Readers: Feel free to comment and let everyone know about features that you want and expect in iOS 6